In last month or so, we have started to notice a recurring theme with Kim Jong-Un in that in many pictures of him there is always a brownish-pink suede chair not far behind. In many of the images he is sitting in the chair while his generals or staff are surrounding him standing, and in some, it appears the chair is just sitting there behind him while out in wilderness observing drills... while photos from the same day do not show the chair. Often times though, it seems to be an identical chair. This may mean he just REALLY likes that chair, or it may mean that the chair is taken everywhere he is for medical reasons such as lack of energy from blood pressure problems or other health factors. What we do know, is that Kim Jong-Il and Kim Il-Sung both died of heart attacks, Kim Jong-Un is known to smoke, and Kim Jong-Un is obese. All of these factors could link to the chair situation to show a bad health condition. The fact that Jong-Un sits while all others stands, and this pinkish-brown chair seems to follow him, even to the most unlikely outdoor observation post. This health condition could be the cause of Kim Jong-Un's disappearance from the public in recent weeks as reported by
International Business Times but the fact remains, it is probable that Kim is in "il" health.